Registration required on their platform
Monthly subscription
Automatic Renewal
Secure payment by credit card
All our plans include all competitions and endpoints. (Free plans are limited in terms of available seasons)
100 Requests / day
7 500 Requests / day
75 000 Requests / day
150 000 Requests / day
By subscribing, you agree to the Terms of use
Each subscription method is independent of the other. Regardless of the subscription method you will have access to the entire API.
Registration required on their platform
Monthly subscription
Automatic Renewal
Secure payment by credit card
Prepaid subscription
Secure payment by Paypal or Credit Card
No credit card required for the free version
Up to -30% for any subscription according to the chosen duration
Feel free to contact us directly by email or on social networks for any questions you may have about our API.
You need more requests and/or a higher ratelimit per minute for a high traffic application or website. We have plan up to 1 500 000 requests per day.
Credit cards are processed through a PCI compliant banking partner.
Depending on your plan’s selected option, you will either be suspended or incur overage charges.
We charge your credit card upon subscription to an API’s plan and at the next recurring interval (Subscription with Rapidapi).
In the case of a payment on our dashboard, your subscription ends on the last day, it is not automatically renewed.