Introducing a groundbreaking project by one of our users: "Eurofootballdata". They've unveiled a web-based soccer analysis and prediction application, designed to elevate your game and enhance your
Hello soccer lovers. Today we present you a project made by one of our API-FOOTBALL users. WeIn is a business geared around everything football. They build and promote applications for the football is a platform for analyzing upcoming football matches created by tipsters for tipsters. Thanks to the power of API-FOOTBALL, more than 40 leagues are analyzed around the world and the
Here is a list of projects carried out by our users using the data provided by API-FOOTBALL. If you have done a project with our API and you would like it to appear in this list, please contact us.
Here is an interesting project using the set of statistics provided by API-FOOTBALL and combined with the prediction endpoint. Script Betting is a platform dedicated to sports betting methods, which
Nice dashboard project done by @gokulthehunter about COVID-19 statistics using our Free API on COVID-19 available on RapidAPI. The project : Take Care and stay
While browsing a professional social network known enough not to mention it, I came across a POST from a developer using our API to develop a project for predicting results for football matches. This