Great news, We have integrated a lot of data on players into the players endpoint. Now you have the possibility to get the players datas by player_id, team_id and filter by season. We have also added
Hi dear football fans. We have talked about it a lot and here it is available: the new release of our API. Check our documentation, if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us by email at
We've been talking about it for a while, and now it's available. All the statistics of a match are available via this new endpoint : statistics/fixture/{fixture_id}/. Here is the list of available
We have just updated our API. A new "leagueTable" endpoint has just been integrated, it allows you to retrieve league or cup rankings, replacing the "standings" endpoint which will remain active for
Good news ! We have just added the endpoint "Players" which allows you to recover the coachs and the players of a team according to the season and the id of the team. Php Request example $response =
Good New Line Ups are available, Formation
Start XI
Substitutes Php Request example $response = UnirestRequest::get("{fixture_id}", array(
Hello sports fan, Today we announce the launch of our new API: API-NBA !
All NBA DATA, Games, Livescore, Standings, Statistics, Teams, Players, Seasons, Leagues.
Hoping that you will like it as much
A demo version of the API is available at this url : Here are the leagues present in the demo version : 2018 Russia World Cup
Champions League (2016-2017)
Brazil -